Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I have been browsing the internet for some "love" quilts, because you know... valentine's day is coming and I want a wall hanging. I saw this cute quilt made with a panel (the quilt was called L'amore E'Bello, if you google you will find it). I really liked the idea of the tree silhouette and decided to make my own version.... I am still working on it, my Bernina needed a emergency trip to the spa so I have to wait for her return to finish the appliques. I am pleased with where this is going and decided to show a bit of the process :-) 

I bought this fat quarter bundle at Joann a while ago and decided it was a little too bright, so it has been sitting around...

Here I am cutting my little sketch of the tree... I like using these big sheets of paper we for some reason have in the house, they let me see the design in real size. I am very "in front of me" visual, have a bit of a hard time drawing on the computer and imagining how it's going to look like.

Here it is all taped to the fabric to be cut, and then the cut silhouette. For the tree and borders I am using a dark gray all over leaf print.

Trying the placement of the other appliques. For the little appliques I just draw everything on the backing of the steam and seam and cut.

Here it is with the tree and the birds sewn in. I love the mommy and baby little birds! you can see my little one checking it out :-)

and here is where it stands now, a bit crumpled from the workout with all the appliques... still a lot of work to do! Hurry up Bernina people! :-)

I apologize for the quality of the pictures I am still using my phone for it and the weather has been soooo gloomy, no light! I promise to try and get better pictures in the future.

Thank you for looking, 

Ate logo!


  1. I love applique and you've framed it so nicely. The extra blocks on the side are a nice compliment. Do you hand applique or machine? I do mine by hand (the sewing machine I have doesn't really have a blanket stitch and uses tons of thread). I find stitching the applique relaxing - just like doing binding by hand. :)

    1. PS - What are your ideas for the binding on this? Will you go multi-color using the extra colored fabric? Or just black? Going to do anything fun with the backing?

    2. Hi Care-Lyn! Thank you so much for your visit! I do EVERYTHiNG by machine lol all my appliques and even the binding on my quilts. I just don't enjoy hand sewing. I bet it's therapeutic thought when you do enjoy it.
      I am going to add another small panel on the bottom of this quilt with a little embroidery and some more of the little colorful squares, so I will probably bind it in the gray just to stop it from getting too busy. At least that is the plan :-)

  2. What a beautiful quilt! It's stunning! I love applique and really want to do some more soon! I'm a new blogger too over at if you want to come check it out! I saw you on the Quilting fb page and came by to say Hi!

  3. Beautiful! I love your art quilts.... And I hope you do the tutorial on your wonky star quilt!
